09-10-2001, 08:36 PM
`Part V<br><br>It’s funny how one puts in so much time & efforts, waiting…looking…waiting… hoping for a GIANT FISH to swim up behind the boat & Eat a Hook.<br>After All, SHE is what ALL the other “Practice Fish” have been leading up to… All the years of talking with others about what the possible best way of dealing with Her… The ones in the past that have won the battle… & the stories of others & how they handled them, won or lost…<br>All the times one has fought That Epic Battle out in their mind… <br><br>One thinks about how they will handle it, about the confidence they have in their tackle, their boat & they wonder about the person that will be the one on the reel, that is one of the factors that is pretty uncontrolled when working a charter boat that takes out most anybody that calls from various places around the world…<br>One Thinks they are ready for HER… <br><br>Then…<br><br>They one day… actually SEE HER…<br><br>As I held my hand on the throttle after dropping down to just over idle, watching the spool, the rod… & the Big fish as she sat there with her head out of the water, slashing back & forth, trying to free whatever it was that has grabbed a hold of her mouth… waiting to see what will come next…. I can see the 11/0 stainless hook planted in the side of her bottom jaw, the leader coming off it with the Purple lure halfway to the swivel, it’s really quite amazing how clear this view was…<br><br>I hear a voice from below; it kind of throws me off as it has quite a bit of Fear in it as it asks…<br>“YOU CAN’T BE SEARIOUS… THAT’S NOT A FISH..?<br>`is it?”<br><br>I look down on the deck & dad is standing there, his mouth open in his pale face… looking at the giant thing that is behind the boat with a very small piece of string coming from it’s mouth to the rod that is bent, pointing towards it.<br>I watch as the kid grabs the fighting belt & puts it on, I watch to make sure he takes the clip off the rod as he takes it out of the holder, as he gets pulled almost off his feet while being dragged to the back of the boat….<br>I’m thinking to myself about how he is moving with nice smooth unhurried movements… & I think about how nice it is we already went thru this routine a few times this day…only with the much smaller `Practice fish…<br><br>I’m Also watching the fish as it sinks into the water out of sight…still shaking her head…<br><br>ERR…ER..ER..ERRRR…ER…ER..ERRRRRRRRRR…..<br><br>I hear the reel pay line slowly, I can see the rod has a heavy bend & the line disappearing into the big hole left behind the boat… <br><br>This all seams like an eternity but was only less than a minute in reality…<br>but then…`What is REALITY..?<br><br>“YOU, REEL IN THAT ONE… YOU, REEL IN THAT ONE…`NO…!, LEAVE THEM IN THE HOLDER… I say, as I’m reeling in the rod that sits on the bridge, I’m telling the family to reel in the other lines so I can have a little freedom with the boat… OK, leave them IN the water, I’ll put the lures away…<br>OK, Just Hold it, she’s running, `No, you Can’t do anything, just hold her…<br><br><b>WOW.!!! LOOK HOW BIG THAT FISH IS !!!!<br><i>IT’A MARLIN…IT’S A MARLIN..!!!!!</i></b><br><br>I hear the young miss exclaim as the Giant Marlin clears the water 60 feet behind the boat, we can see the water rolling off it’s sides, could see her big eye looking down, like she is trying to see what is in her mouth…<br>She makes two more jumps, clearing the water both times, flying at an angle away from the boat just enough so we can see her full length & girth, & the now small looking lure dangling just past her tail as she swam thru the air in a graceful arch… then she swam with her shoulders just out of the water & her tail kicking up water similar to a jet… & it turned into just a big splash with a dark monster in the middle as she swam away from the boat on the surface before disappearing into the depths again…<br>I watched in AWE at the Power displayed & Her size…. Her body looked like two picnic tables joined together…<br><br>I’ll admit, she was a quite Intimidating… she was looking more like a boat back there than a fish… & my little gold reel was now Humming in a way seldom heard… She was now Running away Fast…<br><br>I hear the scared voice again asking…<br>“What do we do now? You can’t think were going to catch THAT do you..? `gulp…<br><br>As I pull up the outrigger to clear the side of the boat & toss the unhooked rods into the cabin telling the family to be careful of the hooks attached to them, listening to the reel pay out line, not really wanting to see how much is left… I go back up to the bridge, putting it in reverse & giving hard throttle so the stern will kick around, giving momentum for the hard turn I would make to get the boat after the place the line was heading…<br><br>I tell the kid that it IS Very IMPORTANT that he keeps as much pressure on the line as he can so I can see the direction it is going & not get on top of it with the boat… as I tell him he needs to stand All the way in the corner & keep the rod pointed towards the line, Not the fish…<br>As he starts to crank against the spinning reel, I tell him to wait till he can actually gain & Then crank, keeping pressure, he appears to be listening…<br><br>I can now see the Big Marlin skipping across the surface ahead of the boat on her belly throwing water from side to side with the strokes of her tale & her back shimmering ahead of the white water…<br><br>I hear the reel stop paying line…<br>`CRANK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br><br>I look down to see the kid cranking as fast as he can & the line not in the strait line it holds under full pressure… I turn the boat, giving angle, hoping for it to come tight as the kid asks,<br>“did I lose it..?<br><br>`CRANK !!!!!!!!<br><br>I watch as the rod loads up & the reel starts humming again….<br><br>I look to see the family watching this happen & I wonder if they even know what is happening, everything has been moving so fast, I hardly know what was going on, even though it was going in Slow motion…<br><br>& I look at the reel in the kids hand, I can see it is two thirds empty, the fish must have over 400 yards out & is only just begun her first run…<br>I realize we have we only have less than 200 yards left & a boat that only goes 14 knots…<br><br>But… We were Still TIGHT…[
]…<br><br><br><A HREF="http://www.fishingkauai.com" target="_new"> Stand Up Fish`N Charters Kauai Hawai </A> <br>[