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Where to fly fish around Salt Lake CIty
okay first what is Koke?? I have never heard of them at all. Thanks for the heads up on the tube or toon i do not have one but oddly enough i was offered to buy a toon from a friend about a week ago will have to take him up on that offer!! Thanks for all the streams you listed should not have a problem getting onto fish sounds like! So what is average day like out there. We do not have native trout in most of the streams i fish here so a good day here i will catch 25 to 35+ fish anywhere from 12' to 23'' most are in the 14''-16'' range though. What can i expect out out there as far as size and what are the most common fish caught? Browns, bows, golden and tiger trout are what we get here some brook trout in the rodeos i go to but not as many as the others.

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Re: [flygoddess] Where to fly fish around Salt Lake CIty - by Mbuckman82 - 06-09-2009, 10:46 AM

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