06-21-2009, 02:02 PM
![[Image: bobwink.gif]](http://www.bigfishtackle.com/images/gforum/bobwink.gif)
goldfish are fun bait arnt they ya rekn.? i use gold fish when i break into the wetlands at the onkyparinga if i live bait with golfish ill catch a thousand dollars worth of turtles every couple hours there the size of my bak . saltwter mainly fresh upstream and plenty of fresh water containment ponds any way i use a berley float whith mealworms and maggotts a bit of gokat dried prawn biscuits bread milk fullcream half cup currypowder zooplankton dried up and some off dogfood !then you mash the crap out of it before you start throw a berley bomb where your targeting and then sparingly put sum in ya berley float every 5/7 casts it does work! but please do not use unprocessd red meat thats bloody stupid bro anywayyeah haha,lol,but what im getting at is as follows u want for american catfish, float as above/ 45/60/cm trace 12pound 4 fun under your float with size 6 /8/if you can get them no man standing long shankd suicide hooks there hard to find hve a slip on your float or a drag esy/not your actuall drag it a type of gadjet/rig so if the fish are on youll have time to be preparred the idea of that is when goldfish gets spooked if strong enough it will pull exess line under your float maximum another 70cm and if any water felines are around or ect bannggg!! your on use 3 split shots on this rig one straight under mainline just under the float one about 15cm under that and the last on the bottom of the trace bout half an inch of your hook important hook your golfish 4cm /9cm/ behind the reigher of the dorsal be gentle and only pierce the skin to hold it on flik not cast and if you live bait any fish the only ways effective to keep it alive day and night till the big one pierce the skin only bout to cm from rear dorsal but if your amuetuer defnitly get long shanks and hook lightly through the corner of top lip but do it properly and a tip is to get tuna oil well something that relates to your hood and glaze the goldfish with it everynow and again you will get something defnitly with this method go for marsh vs rocks type are this will prove succesfull for catfish they are mainly bottom feeders but this way u will provoke them to strike goodluk i told you buggerall just a brief if you catch any bro let me know and be patient it is fishing!!!if the float method dont work same method completly without the float but just concentrate berley bombs every 15 20 mins look for areas that ARE MARSHY MIXD WITH ROK OR CLIFF THERE CATFISH BRO THEY LIKE MIOOLPHER AND ALGAE GOOD LUK IF YOU WANT ME TO EXPLAIN THOUROUGHLY ASK IF NOT TELL ME HOW YA WENT