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7-21-09[font "Arial"][#00ffff][font "Arial"][#00ffff] [/#00ffff][/font][/#00ffff][/font][font "Arial"]We were met this morning by some friends from West Virginia, Pat Kee and his two sons Ben & Hayden Kee along with Jim Parrish and his son Kyle and we made our decision to go after what was biting... King Mackerel and Mahi and hopefully an Amberjack!
As Capt. Butch came around the bend at the tide gauge he saw the pelicans hitting the water hard and soon there was a live well full of pogeys and the crew of the Yeah Right II were off to the waters offshore. Our first stop produced a nice mahi (about 15 lbs) right off the bat that pulled the hook. The lines were re-deployed and the King Mackerel decided to co-operate. We ended up with 3 nice Mahi and 11 1/2 King Mackerel, yes that is 1/2 (Barracudas have to eat too. Smile We saw several nice Amberjacks following the Kings up today but to all our efforts they proved to be not interested in hitting one of the live pogeys.
We had many more Mahi-Mahi on today on dead cigar minnows and live pogeys that simply pulled the hooks jumping and making long runs. There was even a curious Cobia that nailed a pogey at boat side, but found someway to kink the wire leader and break it during the fight.
About 1:30 this evening the bite began to shut off and the crew decided that they would like to try to catch a shark before ending the day. Capt. Butch fired up the diesels and we shot into the Hot Hole and after deploying the first bait, Kyle found himself hooked into a 40 lb Blacktip Shark! Definitely a great fight to end the day on!
Capt. Butch and myself will be back at it again tomorrow. Hopefully the current will have slacked off enough that we can actually bottom fish, the past few days the current has been running so strong that bottom fishing is nearly impossible![/font][font "Arial"][#00ffff][font "Arial"][#00ffff]
[/#00ffff][/font][/#00ffff][/font][font "Arial"]'til next time,
Fish ON! [/font]
[font "Arial"]
Capt. Butch and Capt. Chris
p.s. Admiral Bodie says "Hi" and he misses you all.

[/font]910 845-2004

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KINGS AND MAHI - by captainbutch - 07-26-2009, 06:40 PM

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