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Its a Deer ! O'shoot , I missed ! Darnit ! ! !
no this picture is not misleading, infact it is the most realistinc veiw you will ever hope to see to show you just what it is you are looking at in the woods.

there are two deer in this picture, those of you who have seen a fleeing deer I am sure you reconized the second deer right off. for those of you who have not seen a fleeing deer or posibly were just in shock when you saw it this is what you saw.

two deer, one at a stance broawd side 75 feet away (left side of photo), the other only 20 feet away, that right 20 feet, It is fleeing from me, the second deer in this pic is on the right side of this photo, and resembles a leaning mail box on the side of the road where this photo was taken.

this target is why I say dont shoot, your windo of a good kill will only be when the rear of the head is raised above the deers shoulders, and the posibilities of where the head is going to come up is like hitting calling the balls as they fall out of the lotto machein. you just dont know. your target at this piont is between 2 inches wide on the neck area to 4 inches wide on the scull and is moving at a clip of 20-30+ miles per hour. shooting in to the rear end of this animal even with a high powered rifle the shot is most likly to be sheared off by the hip bone in to any direction posibly endangering unknowingly other hunters in the woods.

this same deer on the same run going braud side as the deer standing still on the left provides a better shot even though it is moving at top speeds. this target is 20 times larger than the one fleeing. you now have an entire chest area to make a clean kill, even if the deer is at a full run his head will be lowered and less bobbing giving you even a greater posibility of hitting your target.

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Re: [davetclown] Its a Deer ! O'shoot , I missed ! Darnit ! ! ! - by davetclown - 07-01-2003, 02:36 PM

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