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Awsome sight to see in the woods !
Joe you bring up an interesting point,

one wonders how can some one shoot an animal in the woods. and is it right for that matter. and just what is hunting....

I will see if I can explain it, I have yet to see a hunting vidio or fishing show that explains the whole concept of getting out in to the wilderness.

in some instances Joe I agree with you fully, I think there are folks who do not belong in the woods because they enjoy the kill just to much. that is not hunting. that is just plain murder in my book. So you have a valid point here.

now on the other hand why hunt. there are several reasons why hunting is a nessesity. [ol] [li]when it is a matter of food, personaly I never pull the triger unless it is for the dinner table. Trophies are nice, they make for some great conversation, Just like pulling out a giant tunna or marlin in on a rod, the bigger the better. there will always be that excitment. [li]population controll, this is the number one reason for allowing hunting, even for those who enjoy the killing of animals (cold as it seams) they provide a service that aids in keeping dear heards helthy. when deer or any animal for that matter becomes over populated (humans included) mother nature has a dirty trick up her sleave, she turns on virouses that cause illness that will go through an entire herd even a country side and nearly desimate to entire population to the point were there are only a few left to repopulate. hunting provides a clean up in the woods that was once done by wolves, cyoties, pumas, panthers, mountain lions, wolverienes, black bear, brown bear, grizzley bear, and the american indian. the fact of the matter is that vary few people want predators living in their back yards, especialy those with children. [li]the yearly get away, for many generations this has been the number one excuse for a man to get away form the shop, out of school, away from the house for a week or two. Bagging a deer is nice, but the get away is what a man or woman needs to rest his weiry sole from the every day grind that beats a man down year after year. strange as this may sound to you, there are a tremendous number of hunters that never make it out of deer camp, they are there for the card games, the flying bull crap being tossed back and forth across the fire pit (conversation), the food cooked out of doors in rustic utencils may not be meet the quality of the Don's of Blu alla Antwan; it dose have a lot to be desired when one is breathing fresh crisp clean air most of the day and working up an apitite while wondering through the woods. [li]enjoyment of nature, for many of us who hunt, we us hunting as an excuse to get out of the house to take long walks in the woods and veiwing natures wonders, you never know what you are going to see if you just stop stand still and look in to the woods. Natures wonders can be laying just foot steps away from you and you would never know it (most never see what is laying in front of them), learning the habits and locations of various animals aids in the "Harvest" you would be surprized at the number of hunters who decide not to shoot an animal because it is not in their hearts to do so. It is a responcibility of a hunter to know what they are doing out in the woods, so they spend twice as many hours learning as much as they can about the woods they hunt as they actualy do hunt, their lives along with every one elses's depends on it. most hunters are teritorial in nature, thay like to find a place that is secluded where they can be alone to enjoy natures harmony. [/li][/ol]

I hope this helps you to understand hunting. You will find that you dont need a gun to enjoy the things discribed above, nor do you have to except the responcibility of taking an animal out of the woods. there are plenty of hunters out there that will do the best they can to see that the job is done efficently and properly. You can take a camera out and shoot every thing in the woods you see with a .35 millimeter and know you havent hurt any thing but the things you steped on... [center][Smile][/center]

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Re: [DH_tubinjoe] Awsome sight to see in the woods ! - by davetclown - 07-01-2003, 04:33 PM

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