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Another Generation of Surf fisherman
Back in the 1980's I used to frequent the Malibu coastline for surf and pier fishing with limited success. I hadn't done much of that kind of fishing in the last 20 years or so, transitioning mostly to offshore fishing from boats along the southern california island chain . This summer was extra hot where we live and my wife was taking our family to the beach three or fours times a week while I was working. My two older boys Matt and Nick (12 and 10 yrs old) became interested in surf and pier fishing during their visits. I dusted off the old surf fishing gear and loaded up new line for them and took them out about a half dozen times on weekends over the last two months of the summer. We had some great fishing as it appears the Malibu coastline has restored much of it's orginal kelp forest. Most of my old favorite fishing areas are now inside a large kelp forest offering better fishing with smaller breaking waves and a wider variety of fish to target. We caught some large fish this summer as can be seen in the attached photos including a black seabass, white seabass, angel sharks, and many nice size calico bass. Good job to all the efforts to clean up the bay over the last 20 years as I can definetly see the outcome of a more healthier habitat along the Malibu coastline.

The boys are back in school and evening sports now but I hope to still get them out a couple of weekends for some more fishing and let them have a try at lobster hoop netting once the season starts in October.

Matt & Nick's Dad

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Another Generation of Surf fisherman - by MattandNick - 09-09-2009, 04:51 PM

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