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24 Hour Fish-A-Thon Morning Report
Anglers are on the water now, and it was a long night for some of them.

Maybe none longer than Buddy Johns and his team fishing in Pennsylvania. Buddy lives on a lake, and owns a 26' pontoon boat which sees use three or four days a week.

But last night, and unfortunate "equipment malfunction" led to a long, cold night for him and his team. One of the pontoons sprung a leak, and they had to work hard to get the boat ashore at Lake Willhelm. That occured around 3 AM, and as of 8 AM they were still winching it out of shoreline mud.

The trials of fishing. This hardworking team wasn't giving up - as soon as they got the boat secured, they had another one lined up, and were preparing to head back out and continue fishing until quitting time tonight, 6:59 PM.

The Nebraska kids are leading many of the other teams around the country.

Anglers started fishing last night at 7PM and as of this morning, the Czechland team of Jim and Gary Miller had a 28" catfish and over 60 crappies caught and released. That marks our biggest fish of the Fish-A-Thon so far.

Arron Slater and his family are fishing together, they had caught a bunch of bass and gills before sundown Friday night, and a 21" cat came to hand during hours of darkness.

Although I haven't gotten a report from our Gavin's Point boys, I trust they're doing alright - Kevin and Josh are great anglers, and Gavin's is a fishy spot.

Up in Minnesota, Adam Borgstahl and Steve Hart got on the bluegills before sundown yesterday, and then bullheads last night. Crappie bite was starting this morning, they're sitting at over 100 fish, the biggest tally we've heard as of this morning.

Andre Xiong and his crew fishing the Cannon River near Northfield, MN caught some carp overnight and some pike Friday evening. Andre had a pike bury a hook in his hand when he was releasing it, chalk up one more fan of barbless hooks!

Guide Kevin Winkler also caught some pike out of Lake Osakis, and found the walleyes this morning.

Down in Georgia, bad cell reception. Don't know how David and Elsie Asher are doing, but he's recently back from Iraq and this was his first real chance to get out and fish since his return. Hope they loaded the boat.

They're fishing to raise awareness for problems facing the waters they are fishing.

You can root 'em on at Learn about what the issues each of them is fishing for, and how you can help be a part of the solution.

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24 Hour Fish-A-Thon Morning Report - by RecycledFish - 09-19-2009, 02:19 PM

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