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Portable ice shelter ?s
glad to hear you say your not taking him, I would have woried over it for the next six months...

"quick and easy answer" either will work if you are not using a cot, but be sure to use plastic under wich ever you decide to use, and when you are sleaping pull your clam back or put the sled over top the hole if you are not spearing so you have more sleeping room with no wories of getting your self or bedding wet.

camping on the ground in the woods is the same as camping on the ice. cold radiates up.

either one will work good. you are on the right track. you can use a tarp but you need to put a layer of plastic between the tarp and the ice. its not a bad idea to do the same under a foam roll pack. a foam roll pack will draw up water from melting ice.

when camping a vaper barrier between your bedding and the ground is ecential... In the wild pulled grass and or pine and bark would have been used.

during times of extreem cold deer will walk miles to nestel in under thick low bowed pines with a good bed of neadles under neith.

Messages In This Thread
Portable ice shelter ?s - by kentd71 - 10-12-2009, 02:15 AM
Re: [kentd71] Portable ice shelter ?s - by davetclown - 10-16-2009, 10:45 AM
Re: [kentd71] Portable ice shelter ?s - by lurtch - 10-17-2009, 03:05 PM

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