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Whitefish run is beginning at Bear Lake
Bear Lake Fishing Report 11/25/09:
Launching is available at the Utah State park marina, First Point, Rainbow Cove and Cisco Beach ramps. Water temperature is 40oF. The Bonneville whitefish are just beginning to show up over rocky shorelines in 5-15’ of water and the spawning run is just starting. We fished this morning for about 3 hrs and caught 8 whitefish along the east side of the lake, but the run is just beginning and the fishing should really get hot in the next couple of weeks. My fishing partner caught the catch and release record for Bonneville whitefish this morning and he'll be turning the paperwork. This coming weekend should be good too. Anchor over shallow rocky shorelines and then cast 1/16 – 1/8 ounce jigs. You can use twister tails, marabou, tubes or road runners. Sometimes it helps if you “tip” the jig with a small piece of night crawler, but its definitely not necessary. Also, try small spoons tipped with worm, or #0 - #1 spinners fished close to the bottom. The limit on whitefish is 10. Whitefish are good when filleted, breaded, and deep fried or you can fillet and bake the fish. Smoking the whitefish is the most popular method for preparing them. As for other fishing on the lake, anglers are catching cuttrout in 50-80’ of water using tube jigs tipped with cisco. Good spots have been off the east side at the pump house, Second Point, and Cisco Beach. Very few anglers have been fishing the rockpile at Ideal Beach, but the anglers who I have spoken to have done fair for both cutthroat and lake trout.

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Whitefish run is beginning at Bear Lake - by BearLakeFishGuy - 11-25-2009, 08:20 PM

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