12-22-2009, 04:11 PM
The Perch bite was hot for me yesterday[
] I ended up fishing 25 feet of water and Am pretty sure I caught 100 perch yesterday. As I put back as many as I brought home which was 55. Had fun filleting for about hour and a half. Those perch sure are good eating. I also caught one average trout at about 14 inches and one chub. Most of my hits were 2 to 4 inches off the bottom. Got one 11 inch perch, biggest I have ever caught. Most the perch I brought home were 7 inches.I was very pleased it's the best I have ever done out there. Guys here is a helpful tip, keep your jig moving. I would jigs 2- 3 times small strokes and then pause and they would hit. If I sat the pole down and just dead sticked it they wouldn't touch it. The ice was 10-12 inches and as mentioned the docks are the way to get on and off safely.Good luck to those that give it a go.
