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Christmas Coffee is on
Good morning my bro's !
I have the pot ready , watcha having in yours ? Cream , sugar, maybe a little french vanilla ?

We will have to keep it down a bit because everyone is still sleeping at the house , except for the dogs and myself . The dogs are waiting for the smoked rawhide bones in their Christmas stockings hung over our fireplace .
My nephew is on Christmas break from college and is spending it with us , he is snug as a bug in a rug on our living room couch .
The kids and my Mrs . were up late last night wrapping last minute gifts . Santa had snicker doodle cookies and Calder's eggnog for his treat , not one cookie left on the tray .
Top off your coffee ?
Watcha doing today ?
I thought I might take a small trip to wet a line on the west side but with the weather I should hit the east side just to be safe . I'll have to wait to see what the Mrs. will let me do first .
Hey before you leave I want to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas , Happy Holidays , Quanza , Chanukah or whatever traditional greeting that is customary for your faith . Well you know , I wish the best for all of y'all .

Messages In This Thread
Christmas Coffee is on - by lonehunter - 12-25-2009, 01:14 PM

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