12-29-2009, 11:52 AM
At this rate the terrorist are winning. They don’t even need to blow anything up to win. All they need to do is threaten to. The more scared they make the government the more freedoms we lose, and more restrictions we have, which is what the terrorist want. Socialism starts by the government restricting us for our protection. For every terrorist attack the government has had intelligence that told them about the attack. The government needs to change the laws with in the intelligence departments so they can communicate on the inside by exchange information before the attack not after. There is no way any government agency can stop terrorist from doing what they want other than catching them in the planning stages. The best defense for our public property is the public eye. The water managers of the state have hired so called experts in dam safety to help protect the dam and water supply. What do you think the experts are going to say? Its how much risk do you want to take and right now it is not up to the citizens of the country it’s some government employee make the decision to cover their ass. They only way this can be change is to become involved in the elections and contact the candidates you voted for and let your voice heard.