07-16-2003, 01:59 PM
yessa me toooo! love that playin! haha the most i use is 8lb. but it,s that it takes it on the other end with my ugly stick cause ya feel everythin with that too. i just got some surfin rods. cool!! there,s 12 lb on that and it isn,t too bad with me fishin fer the kings over to lake ontario. so gonna also use them off the pier this week!! yeah!! oh, what reel size ya usin on yours fer steelin?? bud?? i,d like to try my 5ft ugly stick fer the kings but i don,t want to take the chance of bustin it either. it,s my old one and my favorite. what ya think?? what size steelies ya catchin?? these run 20lbs and sometimes over?? later mare write me tonite ok?? so,s i know. thanks mare