10-03-2001, 05:46 PM
Oh Dan,<br>Didn't you have your glasses on when you looked at the photo? Got color problems on your monitor? It's obviously a G.T. (Giant Trevally, Ulua aukea, White Ulua, <i>caranx ignobilis</i>) and not an Omilu (bluefin trevally, <i>Caranx melampygus</i>).<br><br>That size is pretty good eating. From the position of the gaff though, it looks like it might have been still releasable. <br><br>Capt. Jeff<br><A HREF="http://fishinkona.com" target="_new">http://fishinkona.com</A><br><br><br><IMG SRC="http://fishinkona.com/ulua.jpg"><br>Photo'd and released!<br><br>