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camping at fairview need 2 know what lakes to fish up there
Hey Ocean
I would still use a fly and bubble rig the last couple of hours before dark at any of the lakes mentioned.Pick up some floats(the clear plastic ones that have a slide tube in the middle,which allows you to fill them with water)Fill the bubble about 3/4 full of water(gives it weight for casting)slide the line through the bubble small end of the tube first,then tie on a swivel(the small end of the bubble needs to go first or the swivel will pull the slide tube out as you retrieve your line draining the water from your bubble)Then tie on 4'-6'of leader (6lb test is perfect)then the fly(renegade,royale coachman,masquido,adams,or anything with grey or black hackle,in a size 12-14)Ask sportsmans warehouse for recomendations,they are very helpfull.After you get riged up have your kids cast out and retrieve very slowly.This is a great way to get your kids hooked on fishing,they won't get impatient waiting on bait fishing(they love to cast and reel)and they won't snag your spinners on the bottom.And if the fish are rising they will hit fly's and your kids will have the poll in their hands so they don't miss the strikes.If you have smaller kids just help them with casts.I have 5 kids of my own, and I learned this is the best and easiest method to get them hooked. Good luck
p.s. give us a report on your return,and by the way millers flat may be your best bet with kids(fast action generaly)to get there from fairview stay on the paved road until you pass huntington lake on top then turn on the road which is marked joes valley/orangeville 21 miles, take this road (dirt but good) about 5 miles.The road goes right by the lake, you can,t miss it. There is a spring that runs into it about mid point(road crosses spring)fish near the spring inlet it's always good.

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Re: [ocean] camping at fairview need 2 know what lakes to fish up there - by Lonnie - 07-17-2003, 05:21 PM

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