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Cairns, Great Barrier Reef Update
Hi Guys, <br>This will be very brief - hell I'm off to get into some of the action!<br> <br>The weather is absolutely brilliant - clear sunny skies, light breezes - it was 6 knots on the reef yesterday - starting to warm up a bit though and approaching the thirty degrees mark. <br>Conditions that our prime fish targets just LOVE. <br> <br>Reef Fishing<br>Peter Todd of Aqua-Cat reports that the coral trout are on the chew. They are very active and in pre spawning mode so please observe bag and size limits. These fish are just the best on the table, no wonder they command such high prices at Asian restaurants. Small mouth nannygai and red emperor have dropped off though while we are having a late run of big spanish mackerel - fish to 37kg being landed. <br> <br>The River<br>If you know where to find them the barras are on the chew - one guide landed 22 from a southern river last week, now that's great fishing, along with jacks, trevally, flathead, tarpon and fingermark. The Hinchinbrook region is still happening.<br> <br>Blue Water<br>With FIVE black marlin over the magic 1,000 lb mark being tagged and released last week alone, two by our good mate on New Moon III, you could say things are red hot out wide. Shots of five / six big blacks a day are being reported. Action aplenty from the tunas, macks and wahoo also.<br> <br>The Cape<br>How does 48 mangrove jacks in one day sound - if this appeals - now is the time! This report from Weipa. <br> <br>That's it - I'm off to Trinity Inlet to catch a feed of barra before the closed season starts in a few weeks time. <br> <br>Catch you on the water<br>Regards, Les. <br><br><br>Complete anglers guide to Australia's Great Barrier Reef and remote Cape York. <br>

Messages In This Thread
Cairns, Great Barrier Reef Update - by Lesmarsh - 10-16-2001, 01:29 AM
Re: Cairns, Great Barrier Reef Update - by MasterJigBuilder - 10-17-2001, 09:02 PM
Re: Cairns, Great Barrier Reef Update - by MasterJigBuilder - 10-18-2001, 04:31 AM

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