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Cairns, Great Barrier Reef Update
Hi Steve, <br>Thanks for the advice, this report was really a very quick piece put together as I was about to leave the house and go fishing with the kids. <br>The Jacks were all taken on lures, and the gold bomber long A is the one. The spaniard are taking ganged pillies as well as trolled lures meant for tuna etc. <br>Lure fishing is not a case of stating a particular lure - it all depends on where your fishing, the water clarity, the depth, the prevailing weather etc - something that is just too large a subject to cover in a brief report. <br>Yeah, the jacks are big at 50cm in our neck of the woods because at that size they migrate out to the Great Barrier Reef. From here they grow to 30 + lb, and then you have one real mean mother to contend with I can assure you. <br>Thanks again, regards Les. <br><br>Complete anglers guide to Australia's Great Barrier Reef and remote Cape York. <br>

Messages In This Thread
Cairns, Great Barrier Reef Update - by Lesmarsh - 10-16-2001, 01:29 AM
Re: Cairns, Great Barrier Reef Update - by MasterJigBuilder - 10-17-2001, 09:02 PM
Re: Cairns, Great Barrier Reef Update - by Lesmarsh - 10-18-2001, 03:13 AM
Re: Cairns, Great Barrier Reef Update - by MasterJigBuilder - 10-18-2001, 04:31 AM

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