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Its a Deer ! O'shoot , I missed ! Darnit ! ! !
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that the reason we all go to a hunters safety class. How come nobody has mentioned anything about ethics. I know everybody knows better but when they see that buck they go nuts. Shooting everything but the deer and if they do hit it they let it run off and say I guess I missed but the deer is dead and they are to lazy to walk over and check for blood. Seen this way to many times I quite rifle hunting. Last year I seen people shot over a couple hundred shots and only seen 2 people tag deer. Some people even blasted a couple holes thru our trailer until we started yelling. Now I'll only bow and muzzleloader hunt. Atleast I don't have to worry about getting shot at more then once.

You guys have problems like this back east?

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Re: [lou] Its a Deer ! O'shoot , I missed ! Darnit ! ! ! - by hedgesd - 08-01-2003, 05:35 AM

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