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Its a Deer ! O'shoot , I missed ! Darnit ! ! !

unfortunatly, we got um here in this state (michigan) as well. yse they had to pass a manditory hunters safety cource, (any one born after 12 am jan 1st 1960 is required by law no matter what their age to have passed a hunter safety cource before they may perchase a hunting license.

it seem that what they learned in class stayed in the class, they did not take any of it with them in to the woods.

every year I find 5-6 dead deer in the woods because of bad kill shots. (shots that kill but allow the deer to run off.)

It is my hope that the vary first thing my dad told me when hunting (when not to shoot) will aid others who are inexperanced to understand just what is going on here with out having to pay the price of learning the hard way.

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Re: [hedgesd] Its a Deer ! O'shoot , I missed ! Darnit ! ! ! - by davetclown - 08-01-2003, 06:56 AM

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