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Its a Deer ! O'shoot , I missed ! Darnit ! ! !
hey flag ya we did but my camara srewed up actually the film. but c;iff took some and jack got it onthe video camara. the first mornin i looked out the winder ,couln,t sleep haha all casited, and thre was a big beautiful buck gonna be 6 point in the velvet and a nice doe goin cross the lawn. neat! then that night a bear dumped over the garbage. one swipe! hahawent flyin!pulaski, not a big town. not quite a city like here in windsor. beautiful town nice people. the guys at the bait shop membered me from years ago. that made me feel good. we set talkin bout crappies/ haha. i told em i talk to you guys bout em on here. cause i,d never seen one. the boys there go out there fer em all the time they said. cool/it,s alwas fun talkin bout fishin and huntin to new guys. love it.the guys here in windsor i chun with sometimes i guess i surprized, one day. haha cuase we got talkin bout smellin a deer. haha they never did.they said. you can,t smell a deer" o hate to tell ya i said. haha i guess i bent their noses alittle cause, i told em they can smell us, comin, why can,t you smell them. haha to me, ya have to think like a deer use all your scents like animals do, thats how they survive, in their surroundins, and know when somethins wrong in it, and go by their instincts why can,t you use yours, i said. haha well i guess i bent their noses bein a female hhahahaha. but it,s funny, some can listen to me and not have a problem and some can,t haha. but that,s their problem haha. ain,t no different than when i,m playin pool. haha all in the attitudes haha poor cliff went thru hell stixkin up fer ma, haha but what he could never see is he really didn,t have to haha but THAT,S MY BOY!! HAHA GOOD THING I HAD ABOY HAHA BUT MY GIRL WOULDN,TOV BEEN NO SISSY EITHER HAHA JUST JOSHIN HAHA. later

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Re: [Flagmanonice] Its a Deer ! O'shoot , I missed ! Darnit ! ! ! - by lou - 08-01-2003, 01:07 PM

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