08-06-2003, 12:34 PM
I was sure "LUCKY" for awhile there at Bear Lake, and then unfortunately the "worm turned" and the "LUCK" returned to you again. Speaking of great teachers, I have never fished with anyone who puts their heart and soul into helping a guy learn how to fish like BLM did in teaching me how to vertical jig for mackinaw (MGB was a great help in teaching me to fish for tiger muskie, Lundman did his best to help me catch a sturgeon and Tube Dude has provided countless hours of detailed written instructions that are invaluable and greatly appreciated). I was all ears (those who have met me know that is easy for me) and if one is willing to listen BLM is more than willing to teach you in detail -- and I do mean "in detail". So if you ever have the pleasure of fishing with him, unless you are already an accomplished vertical jigger for mackinaw, put away your pride and let him teach you!