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Fishing line question.....
Hi All,<br><br>I have a friend in Puerto Rico who is ttrying to locate some fishing line that he is unable to acquire anymore.....<br><br>I have not heard/seen it before (I'm in Ohio - so not much heavy sw fishing there!) - but it is called "Damil" - now I'm not sure where it is made or if it is even available in the US. It apparently is a heavy duty fishing line (80-100 lb test).<br><br>If anyone could help me out by pointing me in the right direction - or maybe tell me that I'm goign in the wrong direction - that would be great!<br><br>Thanks,<br>Lael Forester<br><br><br><br>

Messages In This Thread
Fishing line question..... - by alowishus - 11-09-2001, 05:51 AM
Re: Fishing line question..... - by MasterJigBuilder - 11-20-2001, 04:35 PM

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