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Fish Cleaning and disposal
It's interesting that when cleaning fish at the ramp at Chesterfield, before you can get the guts out of the first fish, the gulls will be lining up to fight over anything you toss in the water. Of couse this isn't the case everywhere, and a bit of common sense should tell us what to do with the innards. If I need to clean them before transport, and I know that they would pollute the point of debarcation, I would either clean them and dipose of the remains out in the lake, or put them in a separate bag for later disposal.

Messages In This Thread
Fish Cleaning and disposal - by lucabrasi - 11-14-2010, 12:38 PM
Re: [Kodiak1] Fish Cleaning and disposal - by Biglew - 11-15-2010, 10:33 PM

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