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[quote 801SPRTSMN]Hey hookjaw you didnt get a rise out of me i just know how you are. Its not that i was keeping it a secret its just a honey hole that us northern guys have to fish and i consider it as one of my honey holes witch us friends have many of them up north. Its ok that you told everyone about Birtch Creek because its not likely that you catch these tigers in the summer because they are eating the smaller tigers and rainbows they plant earlier in the year they dont want no fake stuff. No hard feelings just thought that us northern boys had a little secret about catching nice tigers without going to schofield. But i guess you reuined that huh. Thanks for all the PM's from you guys for keeping it our little secret. Good fishing to all..[/quote]

I admit, I push alot of buttons on this site, and the moderators have punished me accordingly. But is seriously all in good fun.
I just can't believe how berserk some of you go when someone reveals a fishing spot. They are slimy little fish for heavens sake. FISH people FISH, you are getting mad over FISH.
Birch Creek res has been listed in the DWRs proclamation forever. Birch creek is listed on the DWR fish stocking reports. Birch Creek has been featured on a popular fishing TV show. Birch Creek is listed in the standard examiner every wednesday and always mentions "Big Tigers".
I mean when does the "Secret lake" become a normal lake like the others??? I love this little lake, I have fished it for a long time and it has been on the up hill forever, it has never gone down hill in my opinion. It gets better every year.
I like people to know about BC, I like heraring the reports about BC, not "The secret honey hole". I like to see the success of others there as well. Never have I been mad when someone catches a trophy tiger out of there.
I knew saying the magic "Birch Creek" word would stir the pot, and I probably should not have done it again. But seriously people it's a public lake and it's there for everyone to enjoy. Certainly they don't plant 30,000 tigers in there and 1000s of rainbows for the select 20 BFT members that call it the "Honey Hole". It's there for the average joe to enjoy and I hope that people get up there and enjoy it as I do.
You post a report to be a "Report", not a "Secret Bragging blog". It's nice to see some big fish, but with no info it doesn't really help anyone out. Just my thoughts.

Messages In This Thread
Hotspotting? - by HookJaw_Brimhall - 11-30-2010, 12:26 PM
Re: [801SPRTSMN] big tigers at our honey hole - by HookJaw_Brimhall - 12-01-2010, 03:06 AM

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