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2011 flaming gorge burbot bash
If you were looking in to a repeat of the bigfishtackle burbot bash from last season, I looked in to this for you, and as far as I can tell the burbot bash is a bust... dont hold me to that.

that is what I am getting from what I read from the thread about the topic, The best I can tell we are looking at a Perch party, and dont hold me to that either, I am posting a link to the thread about the topic and you can talk to the guys who are involved with last years event and this years potential event.

[url ";post=615153;page=1"];post=615153;page=1[/url]

Messages In This Thread
2011 flaming gorge burbot bash - by WYIfish - 10-09-2010, 09:28 PM
Re: [beizerdog] 2011 flaming gorge burbot bash - by davetclown - 12-13-2010, 11:10 AM

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