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Fishible Ice in Michigan
cool, do you have a photo of yours?

I have found there are two different settings to use depending on the species you are targeting, yep you have to choose one or the other.

there is a setting for pike, and a setting for all other species.

the setting for pike is what you see above, I dont use the slamming wond, I set my drag to a moderate slip tention on the drag. Then I lower my line to my prefered depth, when the pike hits, it grabs and runs just like any other tipup only my rod bends over.

for other species, especialy walleye steelhead and lakers you want to use the wond. the wond is an intracate part of the slammer opperation. What happens there is when the line gets tugged, the rod kicks up and sets the hook and thus tention is maintained keeping your eyes hooked.

trying to target eyes and pike on the same rig dosnt work, seting the wond to slam on pike only jerks the bait out of the pikes mouth befor they get a chance to get it in their mouth.

It took me a cople weeks to figure out why I kept getting slams and no fish, then one day it dawned on me that the pike dont change their hitting pratices just because I changed my rigging apprattus. Last year that same rig above brought in 30 pike. Still looking forward to a wopper hookup..

I was out today, brought in half dozen gills for supper, there was a pike looking at my slammer bait, I could tell cuz he was bobbing my rod up and down and swimming hard trying to get away.

I might have gotten somthing on my slammer today had I stayed a little longer, but the wind was blowing streight out of the north and every one else had pulled up stakes. Tomarow is another day.

I was out yesterday, I did not get a bite all day yesterday.

Messages In This Thread
Fishible Ice in Michigan - by davetclown - 12-16-2010, 11:08 AM
Re: [idahopanfish] Fishible Ice in Michigan - by davetclown - 12-27-2010, 04:15 AM

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