08-28-2003, 08:42 PM
That's how the "Man" gets you! First it's a cheap little $750.00 fix. Then it's on to trolling motors, fish finders, downriggers....shall I go on? Pretty soon you can't pass a fishing store to "just look around". Then you find yourself betraying all your old friends just to get a little more "boat". It becomes all consuming, day off...I'll just have a little "boat" today. Then it's a little "boat" after work won't hurt me.....I can handle it. 3 day weekend.....if I just do "boat" the first 2 days ...I be O.K. Next thing you know it's all about "boat"....it eats you up inside. Just say no man. I was on the "boat" for 20 years, I've been clean now 2 years 45 days. With help from the group, I've learned to cope. It's much easier if you never get started. Lately, I've been running with the wrong crowd again, they're tempting me with the "boat". And that's the start of the cycle all over again. No.....you can have some of my "boat"....no need to pay...see how it makes you feel....now don't you want to feel like that all the time. OH, so it starts. Friends don't let friends do "boat". If you need a sponsor....I'm here for you Dude. Take up something cheaper and less addictive like Crack or Herion. TRUST ME, you"ll be happier and have more money in the long run.
That's how the "Man" gets you! First it's a cheap little $750.00 fix. Then it's on to trolling motors, fish finders, downriggers....shall I go on? Pretty soon you can't pass a fishing store to "just look around". Then you find yourself betraying all your old friends just to get a little more "boat". It becomes all consuming, day off...I'll just have a little "boat" today. Then it's a little "boat" after work won't hurt me.....I can handle it. 3 day weekend.....if I just do "boat" the first 2 days ...I be O.K. Next thing you know it's all about "boat"....it eats you up inside. Just say no man. I was on the "boat" for 20 years, I've been clean now 2 years 45 days. With help from the group, I've learned to cope. It's much easier if you never get started. Lately, I've been running with the wrong crowd again, they're tempting me with the "boat". And that's the start of the cycle all over again. No.....you can have some of my "boat"....no need to pay...see how it makes you feel....now don't you want to feel like that all the time. OH, so it starts. Friends don't let friends do "boat". If you need a sponsor....I'm here for you Dude. Take up something cheaper and less addictive like Crack or Herion. TRUST ME, you"ll be happier and have more money in the long run.