01-15-2011, 02:58 AM
I have never really felt a need to carry one when fishing, at least where I do most of my fishing. I can get by with bear spray if I am going into a lake or beaver ponds or creek deep in the woods. Might see a wolf or bear or lion just about anywhere but I already got enough crap with me for fishing. I am like a few others here, more stuff to pack around. Not me to run around with one holstered and if I was carrying it and needed it it would be somewhere it would probably take to long to pull out. Not a big fan of handguns anyways. No problem with them what so ever, just not a fan. They are fun and have done plenty of shooting with them for sure, but just a bit to small for my clumsy self. Thankfully have never been in a situation where I had wished I had a gun with me even if I can scare myself just being left to my own thoughts. Besides, a garote is all I need. []