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Utah should ban all bait completely where they have slot limits
[quote pookiebar]

If you don't take them when they are young they don't have much interest in going regularly when they are older.[/quote]

couldnt agree more. and as for going to the store to buy fish? how about NO! as long as its legal i will take whatever i want from the water, and to be honest i hate it when people try to influence what i do and or dont do with OUR recources. what i harvest is between me the dnr and the all mighty. so if yer such an advocate of going and buying fish from the store why dont you hang your rods on the wall and let them collect dust?

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Re: [pookiebar] Utah should ban all bait completely where they have slot limits - by redneck_delux - 01-20-2011, 06:54 PM

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