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Utah should ban all bait completely where they have slot limits
[quote Tarponjim]Every single sentence, all 5 of them in the first paragraph of the original post, is wrong!

1. I don't bait fish except for burbot on the Gorge, but kids and new comers without "expert" guidance need the option to go waters and fish with bait. Certain fisheries can handle this just fine. Some benefit.

2. Bait does not kill as many large lake trout as GUIDEMAN does! Never will! "Poacher?" (His word in the sentence, not mine!)

3. 50 percent of deeply hooked fish where the line is cut do not die. That's hogwash. Google it, read, whatever. Just a bad statistic.

4.The slot limit at Strawberry is working. READ the fishing reports! People catch the piss out of the fish there, nice ones too!

5. Most people DO NOT fish all day long trying to catch the BIG fish to keep. They're smart enough to keep the smaller fish, and let the big one's go! What a concept!

The post began with, "Utah should ban all bait completely, live, dead or stuff out of a bottle."

While that would not affect my own fishing, its still completely rediculous. But, who should be suprised given the history of the OP?[/quote]

Very well said!

Arrogant people can be ignored but arrogant people spouting lies must be dealt with harshly. Thanks for the great response.[cool]

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Re: [Tarponjim] Utah should ban all bait completely where they have slot limits - by retch_sweeney - 01-20-2011, 09:02 PM

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