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Stripers Forever needs our help
Letters worked. Got this from Stripers Forever.

[left][font "Arial"][#000000]Stripers Forever[/#000000][/font][font "Arial"][#000000] Members – never question the value of e-mailing or otherwise communicating your comments to politicians and/or fishery managers. Dr. Louis Daniel called me from NC last Wednesday evening and told me he had received an unprecedented amount of comment from our members on the dead striped bass high graded by commercial trawlers last week off the Outer Banks. To Dr. Daniel’s credit he has changed this regulation to one that does not allow the practice of high grading. It is a positive step for the striped bass. Dr. Daniel was very gracious in our conversation, and we should remember that he inherited the regulations already in place in NC, a state with a history of total commercial dominanation of the fishery management process. I believe that the input of our members affected this change just as I think we were an important voice in motivating the ASMFC to vote against the commercial quota increase two months ago. [/#000000][/font][/left]

[left][font "Arial"][#000000]We must end the commercial exploitation of striped bass. Nothing short of that will ever solve these problems. For those that would say it is more important that we work on forage issues, I would respond that forage fish are vital, but after 40 years of crying about the over harvest of shad, herring, eels, menhaden, sand eels, and the like, that we have gotten almost nowhere. Envision striped bass as a coast wide game fish, managed for a much higher level of abundance, and the incredible guiding, tackle, and tourism angling businesses that would be generated. Then we'd then have the clout to demand the reduction of or the end to the plunder of the prey species needed to feed these fish. Until now we've gone with hat in hand and we've come out with nothing. That is the wrong approach. [/#000000][/font][/left]

[left][font "Arial"][#000000]Thanks to the dedicated efforts of our MA board, with the help of one of the state’s top lobbyists working for a small fraction of his normal fee, we have filed three striped bass conservation bills in the state legislature this session. Help us get them passed, and we will have done something of enormous value for the generations of saltwater anglers to come. [/#000000][/font][/left]

[left][font "Arial"][#000000]Make It A Game Fish! [/#000000][/font][/left]
[left][font "Arial"][#000000] Brad Burns, President of Stripers Forever [/#000000][/font][/left]

Messages In This Thread
Stripers Forever needs our help - by gdn443 - 01-19-2011, 12:06 PM
Re: [gdn443] Stripers Forever needs our help - by gdn443 - 01-25-2011, 11:16 AM

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