09-02-2003, 04:31 PM
hey there flag, how ya doin?? well ours started here in vermont, yesterday too. we went fishin up in the northest this past weekend, tentin, up the connecticut lakes near canada. boy some COOL! 30 BOTH NITES. SO IT,S GITTIN READY HERE ALREADY! haha anyways the bones were feelin it. haha anywasy we took the 30-30.s just in case.saw mooma and baby on the ways home. waved to em. haha. might go tonite. and squirell huntin started too. so we,ll take our pick. haha, love squireell. even though i ain,t spellin it good haha anyways it,s COOL ENOUGGH HERE. I HATE TO SEE SUMMER GO! THOUGH don,t you guys?? i caought soe good fish up there. we can,t bait though. gramp use to have his black and tan hounds he used fer bear huntin. we can still use dogs here, but no one does. i,s almost thinkin bout gittin me couple good ol hound again, and usin em. can you guys?? later mare