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Miami/Haulover Fishing Report - Dolphin & Sailfish
Fishing for the past two days has been red hot. E wind @ 15, blue water, and north current are the ingredients. Wednesday, 11/28 was fast and furious dolphin action. South of the Sea Buoy, the blue edge started in 350' as you went north toward Haulover Inlet, it moved offshore. Live pilchards and herring produced dolphin in the 4# - 14 1/2# range on a half day trip. Thursday, 11/29 the wind calmed down a bit and switched to the SE during the course of the day. The blue edge started in 160'. We had to work hard to catch 3 dozen herring as we didn't start bait fishing till late. Our first bait was in the water at noon. A quick dolphin, then a dry spell for about an hour and then it was sailfish time. First in 165', then 192', and the last one in 170'. As long as the blue water and north current stay, the fishing action will continue to be hot.<br><br>Captain Dave Kostyo<br>Knot Nancy Fishing Charters<br><br><br><br>

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Miami/Haulover Fishing Report - Dolphin & Sailfish - by KnotNancy - 11-30-2001, 02:44 AM

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