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Who is your favorite football team
alright, alright alright, As we can all see Mr. Berclaw knows his stats. Af for being sore about the Oakland win..........YES but who would not be when the teams looses the Bowl and there only time being there to. As for stats, well I dont keep up with them that much and I really dont on teams I hate.....I.E. Bay area teams now. However I will admit I used to love watching Joe Monty play every sunday. I guess my big grip is that once a team win a bowl game it seams that everyone in Utah becomes a fan ( I can tell this board might be an exception.....hell you guys are throwing out stats from like 6000 bc. "old timers" :} ) so thats my big thing with the utah fans and NFL teams.

Up untill the last 2 years knowbody cared about the buc's then they have 2 great years and every tom dick and harry has a coat and hat and sticker on there car. Same with denver and the cheesy team it seemd. So I am sorry if I got under your skin about ripping on your teams but thats what a friend told me that sports are about and that is loveing your teams and standing by them. oh and by the way no I aint mad about the buc's kicking the Eagles out of the playoffs last year. there my 3rd fav team and have been for about 8 years.

So good luck to all and with your teams and when I get on her ripping you teams for the next 5 mo. Dont take it personnaly it just good friends and good times.

P.S. Bearclaw.......$hit talking is what I do best [Wink]

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Re: [BEARCLAW] Who is your favorite football team - by FishFearMe - 09-05-2003, 12:22 PM

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