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3-17-11 33 Hole Report
Hey guys,

I went out at Government Wash today. Got the boat together and on the water at 3pm.

Took me a while to get some shad today. Quite a few throws only netted me like 8.

Headed up to 33 hole area and baited up. In addition to the baited line I alternated throwing a shad swim bait and some flies.

After a few hours I ended up with two healthy but smaller catfish... both appeared to be full of eggs. I released both. I also missed a couple of bites. When the shad would die, I would cut it up and chum with it and put a new lively one on. I also chummed pretty heavily w/ a pack of anchovies cut into small pieces.

I decided to move on. I wanted to explore some so I trolled the swim bait as I moved in and out of the coves. I picked up a fat little 2lb striper, but that was it for the day.

The raising water has made for some nice cover in alot of the coves. Looks like there is gonna be some really nice black bass fishing this year.

Two things of note today. One, a couple of park rangers in a boat checked my license and my catch. Good thing I never fish w/out a permit. And second, just as I was heading in watching a beautiful sunset a large predatory bird, an osprey I think, caught a fish. I didn't see him hit the water but I saw him coming up and flying away with it. I still don't think I've ever seen a perfect grab. He only had the fish w/ one talon and was struggling to get a grip with the other. What a nice way to end the day.

Later guys,

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3-17-11 33 Hole Report - by Telbone - 03-18-2011, 04:30 AM

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