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bass bugs bass bugs
yes and

by spyderwire you are talking the spyder wire fishing line correct...

also.. you lost me on the loop connection..

here is what I picture.. you created this loop... then you finish the main fly as albino suggested... then...

you get a smaller down eye hook and hook it onto the loop...

now here is where I get lost.. how do you cover the kevlar with the chenille and attach it all to the stinger at the same time??

MacFly [cool]

Messages In This Thread
bass bugs bass bugs - by albinotrout - 03-29-2011, 03:59 PM
Re: [flygoddess] bass bugs bass bugs - by macfly55 - 03-31-2011, 08:49 PM
Re: [Paulpro] bass bugs bass bugs - by flygoddess - 06-29-2011, 03:07 AM
Re: [flygoddess] bass bugs bass bugs - by Paulpro - 06-29-2011, 10:18 PM

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