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perch party at jordanelle 09/06/03
It was great finally getting to meet a bunch of BFT-ers. A huge thanks to Polokid for the ride, and for lending me one of his poles. (I ran out so quick in the morning that I left both of my poles leaning up against the neighbors door in the apartment across from mine, what an a$$ I am). The poles were still sitting there when I got home.

Well, I didn't count how many perch I caught, I just used a 1 1/2 in. chartreuse curly tail and after I caught 1, I tipped it with perch meat. I'm sure I caught somewhere between 50-100 perch, mostly 5-7 inches but a few that were up to about 11 inches. I did catch one smallie, but it was only 7 inches. Had a great time, hadn't been in the tube for a long time. It was good to meet road and fb2, oej, jed burton and his wife, and if i missed anyone sorry. I only kept 3 perch, and I fried them up on Sunday. They tasted great, coated with my personal "fix mix" .

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perch party at jordanelle 09/06/03 - by Jedburton - 09-07-2003, 05:43 AM
Re: [polokid] perch party at jordanelle 09/06/03 - by cat_man - 09-08-2003, 05:03 PM

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