04-16-2011, 03:10 AM
Well I live in miamiFL.and i've caught an 18p channel cat 13 p albino cat,a 4 pounder on half a hot dog.The 18on a live brim large brim 4 or 5 inches long I was going for bass what a surprise .The albino I saw him chilling . killed a tilapia and put it in his face . he swallowed it in 5 sec. had to cut the line then I relased him. Try live bait a big brim or to smaller live bait on one hook. hook one in the mouth,the other in the tail.the vibrations really gets the cats attention .I had something take my line with a half pound Mhyan cichlid.he ran with it for a while ,could'nt set the hook ,my fish was chewed from head to tail 5.00 pm or earlier.I got the 18p cat in the early afternoon also.good luck.P.S I speared a cat at night, 4 pounder , he had a bass for lunch. not bad for his last meal. also found a cat washed up dead with a big, big spotted tilapia stuck in his mouth