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Two sections of Yakima River to open for spring chinook fishing
Action: Open two sections of the Yakima River to fishing for hatchery spring chinook salmon.

Species affected: Hatchery chinook salmon.<br />
Locations &amp; Dates:<br />
Area 1: from the Interstate 182 bridge in Richland (river mile 4.5) to 400 feet downstream of Horn Rapids (Wanawish) Dam (river mile 18.0); May 7 - June 15.<br />
Area 2: from the Interstate 82 bridge at Union Gap (river mile 107.1) to the BNRR bridge approximately 500 feet downstream of Roza Dam (river mile 127.8); May 14 - June 30.<br />
Reason for action: Yakama Nation and WDFW fishery managers are forecasting a harvestable return of adult hatchery spring chinook to the Yakima River in 2011.<br />
Other information:<br />
"¢ Daily limit of two hatchery chinook. Minimum size - 12 inches. Hatchery salmon are identified by a missing adipose fin and a healed scar in the location of the missing fin. Wild salmon (adipose fin intact) must be immediately released unharmed and cannot be removed from the water prior to release.<br />
"¢ In both areas, the use of two fishing poles is permitted during the salmon fishery provided the participating angler has purchased a "Two-Pole Endorsement" (in addition to the freshwater fishing license and Columbia River Salmon/Steelhead endorsement).<br />
"¢ Special Rules for Area 1: Terminal gear is restricted to one, single-point, barbless hook with a hook gap from point to shank of 3/4 inch or less when fishing for salmon. Use of bait is allowed.<br />
"¢ Special Rules for Area 2:<br />
o For the duration of this salmon fishery, the upper "closed water" boundary line for Area 2 is moved upstream to the railroad bridge downstream of Roza Dam to provide additional opportunity to harvest hatchery chinook.<br />
o Terminal gear is restricted to one, single-point, barbless hook with a hook gap from point to shank of 3/4 inch or less.<br />
o During the salmon fishery, the "Selective Gear Rules" prohibiting use of bait and knotted nets is temporarily suspended , but only in the river section open to salmon fishing.<br />
o Use of boats equipped with an internal combustion engine is allowed only from the I-82 bridge at Union Gap to the east-bound (upstream) I-82 bridge at Selah Gap.<br />
o Night closure in effect.<br />
o Retention of trout and other game fish is prohibited until the statewide river season opener on Saturday, June 4.<br />
"¢ Closed to fishing for all species 400 feet upstream from the upstream side of the Yakima Ave./Terrace Heights Rd. bridge in Yakima, including the area adjacent and downstream of the Roza Wasteway No. 2 fish barrier rack next to Morton &amp; Sons Inc.<br />
"¢ Fishing for steelhead remains closed. All steelhead (rainbow trout greater than 20" in total length) must be immediately released unharmed and cannot be removed from the water prior to release.<br />
"¢ A Columbia River Salmon/Steelhead Endorsement is required to participate in this fishery.<br />
Information contacts: Paul Hoffarth, District 4 fish biologist, (509) 545-2284 (Pasco); Eric Anderson, District 8 fish biologist, (509) 457-9301 (Yakima); or John Easterbrooks, Regional Fish Program manager, (509) 457-9330 (Yakima).


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Two sections of Yakima River to open for spring chinook fishing - by FishNews - 05-05-2011, 11:10 AM

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