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I am here for tips
I started with a 20.00 walmart all in one. Some of those kits are decent setups and I think a good way to get an intro into fly fishing.

I agree on the Lefty reference but would also add Joan Wulff has a lot of good stuff out.

Also, look for a fly fishing club in your area.. or a pro shop.. both can give you one on one assistance and in a lot of cases it is free or low cost...

Lastly... look on line.. there are a lot of videos available that will show you the basics of casting etc...

Oh.. just a heads up.. it can be very frustrating at times.. but like anything else just relax.. take your time.. and have fun.. you wont regret it...

MacFly [cool]

Messages In This Thread
I am here for tips - by wasblue - 05-07-2011, 02:45 AM
Re: [wasblue] I am here for tips - by Bmarsh - 05-10-2011, 08:47 PM
Re: [wasblue] I am here for tips - by macfly55 - 05-10-2011, 11:07 PM
Re: [wasblue] I am here for tips - by fish1on - 05-10-2011, 11:31 PM
Re: [fish1on] I am here for tips - by wasblue - 05-10-2011, 11:39 PM

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