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Candlewood 6-17-11
We hit the water at Lattins at 6. No one there but us. Smile Time for topwater, so fished a sammy for awhile getting three smallies to grab it , only to lose them on the jump. A lgmouth finally came to the boat. My buddy was wacky rigging a senco and had more in the boat by this time, so I changed out and started to get fish too. Once the sun came all the way out from the fog and a slight breeze started, on to a white spinnerbait and more smallies came to the boat. Great day with nice weather, over 30 fish AND NO JET SKI'S. The smallies seem to still be on bed as they were beat up some. All smallies also caught in shallow water.

Messages In This Thread
Candlewood 6-17-11 - by gdn443 - 06-17-2011, 11:30 AM
Re: [gdn443] Candlewood 6-17-11 - by Tarpon4me - 06-17-2011, 12:35 PM
Re: [Tarpon4me] Candlewood 6-17-11 - by gdn443 - 06-18-2011, 10:17 AM
Re: [gdn443] Candlewood 6-17-11 - by Tarpon4me - 06-20-2011, 06:48 PM
Re: [Tarpon4me] Candlewood 6-17-11 - by gdn443 - 06-21-2011, 11:48 AM
Re: [gdn443] Candlewood 6-17-11 - by Tarpon4me - 06-21-2011, 02:00 PM

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