06-17-2011, 05:57 PM
[quote catmaster23]Barb or not, the survival rate of the fish caught is ultimatly going to depend on how the hook is removed, how the fish is handled ect. I'm not against barbless but either way your sticking a sharp piece of steel in the fishs face. I could see going barbless if the fish your catching are suseptable to going belly up ie small planter bows. If your fishing for anything like bass, cats or larger fish like muskies or lakers, I'd say the more barbed hooks the better.[/quote]
Absolutely, but I think you are missing the point (no pun intended)you need not handle the fish at all with barbless. Sure they all put the hole in the fish, but you all know it is very hard to remove a hook with the barb, so in my opinion...Big Difference....all in the handling.....
Much more sporting too...[] And I NEVER fish a barbed hook...caught plenty of bass, carp, crappie, bluegill, trout and cat. The barb really doesn't need to be there.
I do however, prefer to mash the barb as it leaves a little bump if I tie a dropper off the bend.
And I alway mash the barb BEFORE I tie, because I have had hooks break off from this, and that sucks when you have spent all the time tying it...LOL
Absolutely, but I think you are missing the point (no pun intended)you need not handle the fish at all with barbless. Sure they all put the hole in the fish, but you all know it is very hard to remove a hook with the barb, so in my opinion...Big Difference....all in the handling.....
Much more sporting too...[] And I NEVER fish a barbed hook...caught plenty of bass, carp, crappie, bluegill, trout and cat. The barb really doesn't need to be there.
I do however, prefer to mash the barb as it leaves a little bump if I tie a dropper off the bend.
And I alway mash the barb BEFORE I tie, because I have had hooks break off from this, and that sucks when you have spent all the time tying it...LOL