09-15-2003, 12:56 PM
mornin,well i,m sorry fer your loss bud,.but i bet he,s fishin fer the salmon you were just talkin bout.and watchin you. ya know it,s in a way, fate that i met this woman one time when jack and i was on the motorcycle travelin, nad i was sittin out on the porch at this motel, and i hollered over to this woman that was comin yo from the brook with her fly rod, and it was the week ma had been gone, a year that week and i was feelin her, and i said to her, how,s the fishin, she got a couple, and out of the blue i says to her, they got fishin in heaven ya know, well she proceeded to tell me she was a preacher, had no idea,she was and had no idea why relly i said it. she said in the scriptures in the bible there is a place in it that has a scripture pertainin to the fishin in heaven, i thought she said in REVELATION!S COURSE THE LAST DAYS AND WHAT IS TO COME! so at least we got that to look forward to. right?? but it felt good that i know that,s what donald and ma and jake are doin right now. ya know. but i guess i needed that question answered and fer her to be a preacher that knows, and i had good vibes off her, so i don,t believe she was bustin me. she felt true. to me it was fate. right time right place and everythin fell together in one momentin time. sounds like you had fun, kick em in the bucket this week fer me too, haha i fished fer them kind years ago, with donald. i tried holdin the fish up and the tail was draggin on the ground and the head was at my chest. haha yessa FUN!! i remember watchin don run up the river then back down with that fish haha wachtin him go back and forth. tryin to hold onto him. finally he got him. boy i was really feelin him when we were at pulaski. do ya know what i mean?? it,s like i could still see that day, him runnin back and forth. haha they sure can take line out,.were you in the boat or the river?? cliffie was 10 when he started goin and he ended up hookiin onto one and it was takin him back and forth too. that kid held on fer dear life haha he finally got him in cause i had one too. almost took him in the drink though ahha. he was just a hollerin.it was as big as him. haha and i still got the picture and i hear hoim hollerin hurry up and take the stupid picture ma! haha.i hear how they can put a damper on your dignity haha as a fishierman. hahai lost a heck of alot more than i caught, haha but fun!my two boys went over a couple weeks after we all went, and they generally are in their prime and right tight as fer as runnin the river, over to pulaski,last week of august, and the fisrt week of sept. but the kids said they were few and far betwixt. its got to be the weather this year. cause i guess now they,re runnuin like hot cakes,well ya take care and hope to find that you catch that BIG ONE THE NEXT TIME I TALK TO YA OK?? hang in there and have fun in them sticks!!. i been out squirell huntin with my new 410 and 22. got a few reds, got some beautiful brookies last nite. boy what a rain storm i caught em in haha. it was downpourin! haha but fun, last week it was in the 30, even 27 one mornin, and this week in the 80,s.??? calm before the storm?? haha this weather,s been somethin ain,t it?? so humid! can,t breathe good in it. well catch ya later take care have fun! yeah, daves good like that. thanks for tellin me you talked toi him bout it. oh, jack caught a few on the new fly rod ugly stick i got him this spring. he liked that, he,s learnin how. mayve he,ll git as good as the guys on {a river runs thru it} haha gonna be few years, haha later mare.