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Jordanelle Perch -- Good or Bad for Trout?
I feel that Jordanelle gets alot of pressure and this has brought the trout population down from where it was over 5 years ago. I had never caught a perch before this year!!! It disappoints me there is perch in there, but what can I do about it now, I guess keep my limit everytime I am there????? I am no biologist, I know this, I guess that is why I dont run around putting fish in to new enviroments. But from what I see I cant see why perch would be good in trout enviroment, I guess this question should best be presented to someone who goes and fishes FIsh Lake!!! They could probably give you a better idea of how the perch has overall affected that water!!!!

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Re: [cat_man] Jordanelle Perch -- Good or Bad for Trout? - by polokid - 09-15-2003, 07:28 PM

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