09-18-2003, 11:23 PM
You make a good point on the loss of habitat and that is part of the problem, too many people. However, if you look at the only initial attempt at reintroducing a large predator in the west, the wolf in Yellowstone, the only opposition came from livestock ranchers outside of Yellowstone who funded their campaign with monies from the united Farm Bureau. As far as I know, Yellowstone is not full of housing developments. Utah still has abundant habitat for large predators like bear and cougar and coyote, and game like deer and elk. Wolves and brown bears and linx and wolverines were extirpated from Utah long before it had the population it now has. The State of Utah still pays full time salaries to government trappers to kill cougar and bear that prey on livestock on public lands. They kill many more animals than the ones that unfortunatley wander in to urban areas. I feel reintroduction of these species will never occur until their is a fundamental shift in thinking of the value of cows and sheep versus the value of native predator species.