09-19-2003, 06:34 AM
] Last nite I had a friend sitting on one of my baits that has been getting hit hard , so walleyeteaser and I sat about a half mile away waiting for a shot , or till he came out . While sitting there talking , what do you think happened ? Thats right , a bear walked out about 150 yds in front of us and walked slowly across a 100 yd opening ! Now it was cool for me to watch the bear , but walleyeteaser see , has a unfilled tag still , and you guessed it , no gun along !!!! LOL !!! , So we just watched it walk into the woods , and then it was gone !!! . Now my friend that was sitting in the stand did'nt get one , but had one comming in , but got dark and had to leave before it came into sight !!
Until next time , Flagmanonice.........

Until next time , Flagmanonice.........