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animals preparing for winter
hey john, i love watchin my squirells, stock up, gittin fat. i like huntin my squirells when there,s gittin too many in an area,let the little ones grow. but i also go by the canadian geese that come to our pond here, where they go summer and then the fall when they,re herdin up to go south. they switch area,s when it gits time to go. and boy do they say good bye,and i love listenin to em. watchin them old wings just a flappin so hard and fast can,t wait to git away from what is comin here.they fly over the house headin towards my mountain turn left a bit, and their gone till next spring. i feel some bit of see them go. the wood ducks that show up spring in my brook when i,m fishin, goin up and down, lookin fer their new home,they got an attitude cause i,m there,see the new babies, grow, and watchin as they end up goin, i know somethin,s up here, haha! the kingfisher,that hollars at me cause i,m in his hole,as he did last night,, and he knows theirs fish there fer him and he sits on the branch over the hole squakin, watchin me, catchin em. haha i told him you need to share, i,m only takin 2. they are all fat and sassy, lookin good.this fall, and the leaves are startin to change tomorrow, he might be gone. gittin close. i feel it. i remember watchin bucky, Bombfire, Patches james, and little red, sheddin their summer haire and replacin it with their fluffy soft thick coat growin in,givin em a bath to help git the spring hair off easier and smellin their pony smells,smelled so good, then watchin as the white hair i just washed turn to mud again from rollin.haha i can still see em smell em , even if it,s only in my mind, heart soul. to watch a pony rollis one of the funniest things there is. haha they go from side to side legs in the air, fat bellies gittin in the way, 1200 lb, patches just swingin back and forth,haha i still see him, git up and shake like a big old long haired dog, look at me, sayin, i just screwed up the bath you just gave me,ma, haha.he says,but i feel so good, their hair would git so thick it,d be hard to git a brush through it.and i,d wrap my arms round that big old qurter horse-pinto neck strainin to do it casue his neck was so big,and i,d touch his soul with mine.i guess i,m just missin em. and as fer spring, it reminds me of the same difference, when the kids start playin marbles you know it,s spring. haha,it all boils down to instincts of the wildlife, and just life as they know it, young learnin from old and pass it on, and what they have to to survive, with and use, to survive, cause some years there,s plenty one one thing, and not so many of the other, and by listenin to them, hear see smell when the air starts changin, and watchin, them change, we change,then, we,ll survive too..later

Messages In This Thread
animals preparing for winter - by johnincolorado - 09-18-2003, 01:08 PM
Re: [johnincolorado] animals preparing for winter - by fishfather - 09-18-2003, 11:09 PM
Re: [johnincolorado] animals preparing for winter - by lou - 09-19-2003, 02:26 PM

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