08-15-2011, 05:22 PM
Must be minnow season? [url "http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CDQQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.utahfishinginfo.com%2Ftips%2Fcatch_bait%2Fminnows.php&rct=j&q=minnows%20in%20utah&ei=NlVJTsKdPKyfsQLrqLiSCA&usg=AFQjCNGdHF-EBMaFXdUEtHiihs15UQ1iqg&cad=rja"]Check this link[/url].
I have a basket style - and mean to try it again - only THIS time be sure BOTH ends are secured before I pitch it! [blush]
You can't use casting nets for catching grownups or gamefish, but my understanding is it's ok for collecting baitfish minnows (carp chub perch etc). If you bait minnows are 14" crappie, well - I won't get into that. Of course you can't use the minnows while they are live.
Tubedude has a great writeup on Minnows - but I don't see it here. Plus I'll repost the maps, but best to get the PDF documents direct from da Man! Maybe we can get him to chime in.
Here's a [url "http://www.theshadtaxi.com/content/castnet.html"]how-to-page[/url]
He did recommend a [url "http://www.calusa.com/calusa-products.html"]Calusa [/url]or [url "http://www.castnetworld.com/bettscastnets.html"]Betz [/url]brand when I asked.
Being as how you already have nets - you probably know all about this anyways?
I'm new at this myself, so would love to learn any experiences you can share. I've spotted a few spots holding minnows - though some don't know how I'd get through the green slime monster!
I have a basket style - and mean to try it again - only THIS time be sure BOTH ends are secured before I pitch it! [blush]
You can't use casting nets for catching grownups or gamefish, but my understanding is it's ok for collecting baitfish minnows (carp chub perch etc). If you bait minnows are 14" crappie, well - I won't get into that. Of course you can't use the minnows while they are live.
Tubedude has a great writeup on Minnows - but I don't see it here. Plus I'll repost the maps, but best to get the PDF documents direct from da Man! Maybe we can get him to chime in.
Here's a [url "http://www.theshadtaxi.com/content/castnet.html"]how-to-page[/url]
He did recommend a [url "http://www.calusa.com/calusa-products.html"]Calusa [/url]or [url "http://www.castnetworld.com/bettscastnets.html"]Betz [/url]brand when I asked.
Being as how you already have nets - you probably know all about this anyways?
I'm new at this myself, so would love to learn any experiences you can share. I've spotted a few spots holding minnows - though some don't know how I'd get through the green slime monster!