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Cabo Bite Report
[#000000][size 4]FLYHOOKER SPORTFISHING[/size][/#000000]
[#000000]Captain George Landrum[/#000000]
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[#000000]Cabo Fish Report[/#000000]
[#000000] Sept. 12-18, 2011[/#000000]

[#000000][#000000]WEATHER: [/#000000][#000000]Assummer slowly winds down we are seeing a slight lowering of ourtemperatures as well, not a lot, but a little bit. Instead of seeing86 degrees in the early morning we are now seeing it around 81-82degrees and the daytime highs are a bit lower as well. Not that itfeels all that low since the humidity is still a bit high, but we cantell the difference. We had a bit of cloud cover this past week butno rain and the winds were light for the most part.[/#000000][/#000000]
[#000000][#000000] WATER: [/#000000][#000000]It appears that there is not a lot of change from the last reportwith the exception of the last two days. Prior to Friday we stillhad that cool water along the shore on the Pacific side with a warmband across the San Jaime and the Golden Gate Banks with the waterdropping several degrees once you went to the west a bit farther. The Sea of Cortez remained a very steady 87 degrees almosteverywhere. The change we experienced, while small, has affected thefishing a little bit. The water to our immediate south and to theeast has dropped to between 80 and 84 degrees. It's hard to tellwith any certainty, mainly because of the cloud cover and not a lotof boats going there, if there is a strong break somewhere. Theeffect it has had on the fishing is to spread out the areas where wehave been finding Striped Marlin and Yellowfin. Now instead of juston the Pacific side there is more area to cover.[/#000000][/#000000]
[#000000][#000000]BAIT: [/#000000][#000000]Caballito,Mullet and Sardines were the live bait available with the biggerbaits at the usual $3 each and the Sardinas at $25 a scoop up in thePalmilla area.[/#000000][/#000000]
[#000000] FISHING:[/#000000]
[#000000][#000000]BILLFISH[/#000000][#000000]: The Striped Marlin have been finicky feeders this week with aboutone in four boats getting shots, and about half of them hooking uplong enough to get a release. As in most fishing it was a matter ofbeing in the right place at the right time with the right stuff. Sound familiar? This week the right place expanded as the water tothe south and east cooled off a bit. While it had an effect on theStriped Marlin it did not change the Blue and Black Marlin bite atall, they still enjoy water that temperature. There were about halfthe number of Blue Marlin caught as there were Striped Marlin butthey were larger in size with an average of just around 230 pounds. There were a few that were estimated at over 300 pounds but I don'tknow if there were any of the larger ones landed. Black Marlin arestill showing up in the usual areas such as the Gorda Banks and PuntaGorda and they have been averaging 250 pounds, mostly caught on livebait.[/#000000][/#000000]
YELLOWFIN TUNA: This was an off week for most of the anglerslooking for Yellowfin Tuna, but there were a few boats that managedto find the right porpoise schools and get into the fish. I did nothear of any reel big ones, but there were nice fish to 120 poundscaught. Of course most of them were smaller and an average of 5 or 6fish of 30 pounds were caught by boats that got into the fish. Tossin a couple of 40-60 pound class fish and the fishing suddenly becameOK, if you were in them! Directly to the south at 28 miles, just tothe inside and the outside of the San Jaime Bank and just to thenorth of the Golden Gate Bank were areas where the most consistentaction took place. Once again the boats that used kites to fly baitshad better success on the larger fish.
[#000000]DORADO: The Dorado were a bit shy this weekas well but I am not sure of the reason. Where we had been seeingplenty of Dorado caught inshore on the Pacific side, they suddenlyquit biting, perhaps they moved farther offshore or up to the north. Whatever the reason, most boats working that area were able to catcha few in the 12-18 pound class, and there were a few larger onescaught farther offshore. There were very few reported from theCortez side of the Cape in our area.[/#000000]
[#000000]WAHOO: The full moon did the job and therewere Wahoo reported this week! One of our clients caught on that was62 inches long, as well as a very nice Dorado, and were happy to takehome some of those wonderful fillets! There were others caught aswell, and in the standard areas you find Wahoo, on the high spots andalong the drop-offs.[/#000000]
[#000000] INSHORE: There was some decent Roosterfishaction this week on fish averaging 20 pounds and a few larger fish to50 pounds. I had one angler report to me that he hooked a “Bubba”that he thought would have been over 80 pounds but lost the fishafter 15 minutes. Snapper and grouper have been active as well withsome decent grouper hitting the decks and a scattering of dog-toothsnapper joining them. Toss in some Dorado and Bonito and the actionfor anglers working inshore was steady, if not wide open.[/#000000]

[#000000]FISH RECIPE: My recipe has been taking toomuch space so if you want to see it, check out my wordpress blog alittle later in the week, or subscribe to the blog and you willreceive an email as soon as I post it. This week I actually will beposting one since we finally got some Tuna to take home, a very nicepiece from the 169 pound fish![/#000000]
[#000000]NOTES: This report is done early so we canget in our Sunday morning beach trip with the dog, get home forbreakfast and then downtown to watch the early game. Go Seahawks(hope our new quarterback does better this week or he has to go). This weeks report was written to the music of Darius Rucker on acompilation disc given to me by a client. Thanks Steve![/#000000]
[#000000]Until next week, tight lines![/#000000]
[#000000]I will be posting more to my blog now,please go to [url ""][font "Tahoma"][#000099][/#000099][/font][/url]and subscribe, you will be sent a notice every time I post a newarticle. Please feel free to send suggestions or if you have anyideas for articles. Thanks George[/#000000]

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Cabo Bite Report - by CaptGeo - 09-19-2011, 02:56 PM

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